Wednesday, March 21, 2018


La Mort de Stalin / The Death of Stalin 
FRANÇAIS app traduction à gauche • ENGLISH translation app on the left


 I had to see this movie! First I love the cast starting with Steve Buscemi as Nikita Khrushchev, Simon Russell Beale as Lavrenti Beria and Michal Palin as Vyachesla Molotov to name a few. I looked at the trailer and immediately googled all the historical figures featured in this film by Armando Iannucci of the hilarious series VEEP fame. It turns out the real events were even more macabre than those presented in this fast paced dark comedy where characters die as fast as the repartee. Some people cannot help comparing it to the Trump administration with its staff of incompetent sycophants and quick turn over. I see it as an interesting look at KARMA. In reality, Joseph Stalin had eliminated almost all good physicians from Moscow because he was scared of being poisoned by them. When he suffered a stroke, there was no one with the competence to help him. The movie is kinder to the manner of his death than reality where it took several agonizing days before he took his last breath; people tried to feed him, didn't know what to do, left him on the couch where he had been moved for 3 days. Russia banned this movie and when we see it, we understand why. In the movie, none of the main characters can face the truth for it is too vile and corrupt and they are all involved in power struggles. How can Russian leaders face their own truth now? hummm


Comme tout le monde je ne peux oublier la première fois que j'ai vu une performance de Louise Lecavalier avec Marc Béland de La La La Human Steps. C'était une vidéo hélas je n'ai pas vu de performance live de ces artistes. J'étais électrifiée par les mouvements étonnants, l'apparence inusitée, le mystique de la danseuse Montréalaise qui incarne son temps mieux que tout autre. Le film a un tempo délicieux dans lequel s'entremêlent harmonieusement des scènes de conversations avec la danseuse, des scènes de sa vie quotidienne, des rencontres auprès de ses amis et collaborateurs dont Marc Béland que j'ai beaucoup apprécié, et des performances en progrès et historiques. Elle est MAGNIFIQUE!!!!

Ce film exquis réalisé par Raymond St-Jean, qui a aussi réalisé le documentaire Une chaise pour un ange, a été sélectionné au Festival international du film de San Francisco (SFFILM) qui se déroulera du 4 au 17 avril 2018. Vous pourrez le voir à Montréal et à travers la province bientôt.


The Spanish born actress Rossy de Palma who plays Maria in this movie about social classes and capitalism was also a creator of this project with author and director Amanda Sthers. The idea was to focus on the experiences of an ordinary woman to whom a majority of women can identify. In this story, Maria the maid is put in an awkward position by Anne Fredericks, Toni Collette, her employer, who will not stand for a diner where there are 13 people seated at the table. She is then seated beside David Morgan, Michael Smiley, who was told a fib as to Maria's true identity. He proceeds to romance Maria hinting he is aware of her true identity, he believes she comes from a dangerous but wealthy family, and accepts her anyway. Mrs Fredericks is enraged by this unimaginable denouement while Maria feels she has found true love. It is hard not to love Maria, she is kind, hard working, funny. I really enjoyed this movie with a truly European ending.  

J'adore ce film réalisé par Sonia Kronlund qui suit Salim Shaheen, l’acteur-réalisateur-producteur le plus populaire et prolifique d’Afghanistan. J'adore l'exubérance de cet homme en face d'une situation inimaginable pour nous: réaliser des films dans une région accablée par la guerre et le terrorisme.

Pour moi, Salim Shaheen prouve qu'on doit poursuivre nos rêves qu'importent les circonstances dans lesquelles on se trouve!


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