Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Theory of Everything and human aging.

From The Other Side series, Lena Ghio © 2010

The Theory of Everything: «theory of everything (ToE) or final theoryultimate theory, or master theory is a hypothetical single, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe.[1]:6 » 

So far the challenge of physics has been to successfully integrate the quantum world with the larger universe mathematically. But what does ToE mean for normal people like us? My transdisciplinary art practice evolves around that question. Below I will introduce the equation I work with to explore various hypothesis that lead to my art.

Man became obsessed with perpetual youth early on in his evolution. How can we accept that our once vibrant and strong body eventually witters right before our eyes plagued by weakness and disease. There has been a lot of research on the subject since the time man began questioning this woeful fate. Recent anti-aging studies have yielded important discoveries related to diet, exercise, antioxidants, and treatments to rejuvenate appearance.

I will talk about a perspective I have been studying in the context of my larger life goal to attain the Great Work. From The Four Stages Of Alchemical Work : « Alchemical work was rooted in the philosophy of a gradual but irreversible process of improvement in nature. ... The fundamental idea was that Nature was perfectible and that it was in a perpetual process of self-improvement. » I wanted to find health because I had been a sick child and not one doctor could diagnose what was making me almost invalid. When I was not sick, I would try to find solutions. Many pencil written letters on torn copybook paper were sent out to people I thought could give me insight. In the beginning, I found yoga. I was 13 years old when I did my first yoga stretches. Still in my teens, I found Journey to Ixtlan by Carlos Castaneda and the Warrior's Way became the core philosophy I would use to survive. Later I understood how astrology affected my bodymind and I wanted to know what were the forces at work that made me feel sick. Eventually, I had to recognize that the motions of the planets affect us by the gravitational modulations they create. The lifework I then engaged in was the process of implementing a gradual but irreversible process of improvement  in my relationship with the solar system.
From The Other Side series, Lena Ghio © 2010

The Warrior's Way demands the utmost sobriety so I challenged my perceptions and beliefs every step of the way, and I still do. I became interested in gravity while studying Tai Chi with Ms Florence Wong. There I learned that Tai Chi is all about rotations, rotational movements that allow a person to develop fluidity and grace by adjusting every day to the pressure of gravity. With her I learned how to bend time and space and the Magical Passes described in Castaneda's book of the same name. This opened the way for my interest in astrophysics because Tai Chi was the discipline that spoke about gravity as a force in the universe and astrophysicist are the experts on the forces of the universe. Like many of you I was fascinated by the work and research done in popular science that we could read about or watch on documentaries on TV and on the Internet.

Eventually I enrolled at McGill University for a class given by Professor Paul Wiseman Time Space and Matter to figure out how to understand and express what I was observing about how Time and Space affect the form of things and other qualities such as the type of weather that would manifest at a given time. Finally, the first part of my life work was understood. I successfully performed experiments that supported several of my hypothesis and my equation for the Theory of Everything, ToE: 

E = MC squared  /  Rolling Force + Gravity = Time + Space

Today, we have scientific evidence of gravitational waves from LIGO. On September 14 2015, they  successfully detected gravitational waves. They are focused on learning all about black holes, but I am interested on how gravitational waves affect life and conditions on earth. My experiments demonstrated that celestial mechanics does communicate with living beings via the gravitational modulations they create. This ceaseless dialogue has a dramatic effect on the human body that human beings have learned to challenge without yet understanding the impact of the G force on aging. The assumption is that the weight eventually crushes us but the reality is that gravity affects particles, atoms, and in our bodies they have been taught to age and bring death.


Because of gravity we are a bunch of molecules existing in a bunch of planets and stars. For this reason the following research on tensegrity made perfect sense. Here are two quotes from two excellent articles on what life is made of that fit beautifully with the above equation:

« There are quite a few doctors and biologists that are convinced that "life" is made out of tensegrities. (...)  Understanding what the parts of a complex machine are made of, however, does little to explain how the whole system works, regardless of whether the complex system is a combustion engine or a cell. In other words, identifying and describing the molecular puzzle pieces will do little if we do not understand the rules for their assembly." (...) Donald E. Ingber is a doctor in a children hospital in Boston, who discovered that the way life is formed has less to do with chemistry and more with architecture.

Just another small paragraph from his article: "From Skeleton to Cytoskeleton: What does tensegrity have to do with the human body? The principles of tensegrity apply at essentially every detectable size scale in the body. At the macroscopic level, the 206 bones that constitute our skeleton are pulled up against the force of gravity and stabilized in a vertical form by the pull of tensile muscles, tendons and ligaments (similar to the cables in Snelson's sculptures). In other words, in the complex tensegrity
structure inside every one of us, bones are compression struts, and muscles, tendons and ligaments are the tension bearing members. At the other end of the scale, proteins and other key molecules in the body also stabilize themselves through the principles of tensegrity. My own interest lies in between these two extremes, at the cellular level." »
-Marcello Pars


 Donald E. Ingbe

From The Other Side series, Lena Ghio © 2010
« Despite centuries of study, researchers still know relatively little about the forces that guide atoms to self-assemble into molecules. They know even less about how groups of molecules join together to create living cells and tissues. Over the past two decades, however, I have discovered and explored an intriguing and seemingly fundamental aspect of self-assembly. An astoundingly wide variety of natural systems, including carbon atoms, water molecules, proteins, viruses, cells, tissues and even humans and other living creatures, are constructed using a common form of architecture known as tensegrity. The term refers to a system that stabilizes itself mechanically because of the way in which tensional and compressive forces are distributed and balanced within the structure. »

The forces that guide atoms combine the quantum field with the larger universe all the way to the biggest black hole in outer space. Studies of the Big Bang demonstrate how gravity clumped molecules together to form mass and create new compounds.

Although difficult to detect in a complex world like ours, gravity still affects molecules on earth. It also affects aging in more involved ways than simply crushing us under its pressure. It informs our DNA and sometimes the message makes us sick, old and makes us die. I have demonstrated this with my lemon tree experiment and the amaryllis experiment. Gravitational modulations from the solar system affects the timing of major shifts in our body in a way similar to the above model of tensegrity. Gravity is a force that "guides atoms to self-assemble". We are each programmed differently yet we can see benchmarks in our aging process that occur in all of us. Our body mass looses its tone and flexibility and our body mass begins to shrivel as a result of increasing stiffness and nutrient loss. We loose minerals, proteins, moisture.


From The Other Side series, Lena Ghio © 2010
Today much is known on how to maintain youthfulness: from good nutrition, to good hygiene, to the appropriate exercise program for the individual's needs to advances in surgical and dermatological treatments. Here I will put a few practices in perspective to the above equation:
E = MC squared  /  Rolling Force + Gravity = Time + Space: to go further into understanding the tensegrity hypothesis of life.

Acupuncture: E = MC squared: We are both energy and matter evolving and morphing through Time + Space in the time of celestial mechanics aka Rolling Force + Gravity. A healthy body grows by fluidly shifting through the stages of human life: infancy, childhood, adolescence, maturity, old age. Two obvious signs of aging that occur in the late stages of maturity are sagging cheeks and an expanded abdomen.
These occur along the Stomach Meridian. This suggests a) that energy circulation becomes stagnant on this meridian and b) that using acupressure along this meridian will allow energy to flow and maintain a healthy mass in those areas. What is more youthful looking than toned cheeks and habs? There are many meridians and each has an impact on some facet of aging. If you find an acupuncturist to work with, many rejuvenating treatments are available for the face and other conditions. Acupuncture helps to circulate energy and gravity loves circular motions. It gains momentum and force through circular motion and this is how it works in this area.

Moisture and the distribution of water in the body are essential to youthfulness. Lymph drainage is one method that tones up the body very quickly. I have used the method described in the link attached above created by Dr. Emil Vodder. Again the beneficial action comes from making the fluids circulate throughout the body. Certain restrictions apply so be sure to consult with a trained professional. If you cannot use lymph drainage, swimming is an excellent way to make your body's fluids flow. Swimmers are very toned and I have observed many elderly swimmer who did not have cellulite.

Tai Chi and Yoga are two exercises that have successfully maintained the youthfulness and well-being of practitioners. Tai Chi circulates energy and increases energy by entering inside the circular motions of heaven and earth. Youth is equal to graceful movements. My Tai Chi teacher, Ms Florence Wong, was 72 years old when she began teaching me and she began her practice at 50 years old. She was a true master, more limber than all her students put together. Dr. Paul R. Sanberg, distinguished professor at the Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair has conducted a study to see if Tai Chi had an impact on the cellular levels of the body and the results so far are promising.

Yoga keeps the body flexible and strong with the least expenditure of energy and keeps the mind sharp and focused. While Tai Chi creates energy and flow,  Yoga helps you focus energy where it is needed. Being able to tie your own shoes is an example of the youthfulness  Yoga provides in advancing years. Here is a quote linking you to the work of Judith Hanson Lasater, PH.D., P.T. who teaches yoga with a deep understanding of how gravity affects motion:

« ...understanding how gravity affects and shapes movement. If we don’t honor and take into account gravity, we cannot really figure out what’s creating the movement. »

In her work, she has observed that 'All movements are shaped by the force of gravity.'
-Yogabody anatomy, kinesiology, and asana

Working with gravity magnifies the effect of any practice because gravity enjoys building up systems.
For sure the examples given here will be verified further once we really understand the implication of G Force on our health and longevity. Until then, you may find something that will rejuvenate you safely right now.



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